Try for free, upgrade when ready

Billing period:


Grow your list with AI-powered email marketing and unlimited monthly sends.

Paid annually, save up to $41 a year


  • AI email generator
  • Unlimited autoresponders 
  • AI landing pages
  • Custom automation workflow 
  • Email and landing page templates
  • Signup forms and popups
  • 24/7 chat support
  • Free custom domain with yearly plan 


For marketers and ecommerce businesses to promote and sell across channels.

Paid annually, save up to $127 a year

Starter plan, plus:

  • Unlimited marketing automation 
  • Abandoned cart recovery
  • Newsletter revenue statistics
  • Promo codes
  • Email delivery scheduling
  • Advanced segmentation
  • Sales funnels
  • Contact scoring
  • Unlimited web push notifications
Best market value – more tools, less cost!


Everything you need to create, market, and monetize your knowledge.

Paid annually, save up to $149 a year

Marketer plan, plus:

  • AI course creator 
  • Up to 500 students
  • Mobile app for students  
  • Quizzes and certificates
  • Creator profile 
  • Premium newsletters 
  • Website builder
  • Webinars
  • No transaction fees 
Compare all plans and features


Maximize revenue with tailored solutions
and premium support

Empower your organization with full GetResponse power, and scale
your growth on your terms with our expert support.

  • Dedicated 24/7 support
  • SMS marketing automation
  • Dedicated IP address
  • Single sign-on (SSO)
  • AI recommendations
  • Transactional emails

Compare plans and features

Billed annually
Billed annually
Billed annually
Content monetization
Course creatorunavailableunavailableavailable
Available coursesunavailableunavailableUnlimited
Students limitunavailableunavailableFrom 500
Transaction feesunavailableunavailable0%
Premium newslettersunavailableunavailableavailable
Mobile app for students unavailableunavailableavailable
PayPal and Stripe integrationsunavailableunavailableavailable
Email marketing
Monthly email sendsUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
AI email generatorUp to 3 usesavailableavailable
AI subject line generator Up to 3 usesavailableavailable
Visual email editoravailableavailableavailable
Custom DKIMavailableavailableavailable
Inbox previewavailableavailableavailable
Perfect timingunavailableavailableavailable
Time travelunavailableavailableavailable
A/B testingunavailableavailableavailable
Click trackingavailableavailableavailable
Ecommerce trackingunavailableavailableavailable
Google Analyticsavailableavailableavailable
Predesigned templatesavailableavailableavailable
HTML editoravailableavailableavailable
Custom HTMLavailableavailableavailable
Product boxunavailableavailableavailable
Recommended productsunavailableavailableavailable
Abandoned cart triggerunavailableavailableavailable
Promo codes: manual creatorunavailableavailableavailable
Promo codes: all unique & syncedunavailableavailableavailable
SPAM checkavailableavailableavailable
Share on FB & Xavailableavailableavailable
Remove GetResponse brandingavailableavailableavailable
Dark mode previewavailableavailableavailable
Recipients: segmentsavailableavailableavailable
Welcome and thank you emailsavailableavailableavailable
Automation templatesavailableavailableavailable
Build from scratchavailableavailableavailable
Drip campaignsavailableavailableavailable
Birthday emailsavailableavailableavailable
Click and open followupsavailableavailableavailable
Contact taggingunavailableavailableavailable
Contact scoringunavailableavailableavailable
Abandoned cart triggerunavailableavailableavailable
Visited URL automationunavailableavailableavailable
Event-based automationunavailableavailableavailable
Automated web push notificationsunavailableUnlimitedUnlimited
Purchase automationunavailableavailableavailable
Dynamic segmentationavailableavailableavailable
Split automationavailableavailableavailable
Amount filteravailableavailableavailable
Welcome emailsavailableavailableavailable
Autoresponders seriesavailableavailableavailable
Ecommerce trackingunavailableavailableavailable
Time travelunavailableavailableavailable
Platform and support
Number of users355
Roles managementunavailableavailableavailable
Email supportavailableavailableavailable
24/7 chat supportavailableavailableavailable
Two-factor authenticationavailableavailableavailable
Onboarding sessionavailableavailableavailable
Phone support unavailableunavailableunavailable
Slack support unavailableunavailableunavailable
Assisted IP warmup unavailableunavailableunavailable
Dedicated sending domain unavailableunavailableunavailable
Single sign-onunavailableunavailableunavailable
Rebranding optionsunavailableunavailableunavailable
Dedicated onboardingunavailableunavailableunavailable
Dedicated Customer Experience Managerunavailableunavailableunavailable
Development strategy supportunavailableunavailableunavailable
List management
Import contactsavailableavailableavailable
Export contactsavailableavailableavailable
Add scoringunavailableavailableavailable
Add taggingunavailableavailableavailable
FTP importsunavailableunavailableunavailable
Based on contact details availableavailableavailable
Based on contact actionsavailableavailableavailable
Based on geolocationavailableavailableavailable
Based on scoringunavailableavailableavailable
Based on tagsunavailableavailableavailable
Based on consent fieldsavailableavailableavailable
Based on ecommerceunavailableavailableavailable
Based on conversion funnelunavailableavailableavailable
Based on eventsunavailableavailableavailable
Based on lead magnetunavailableavailableavailable
Based on SMS action unavailableunavailableunavailable
Based on external segmentsunavailableunavailableunavailable
Website builder
Website builderunavailableunavailableavailable
AI creatorunavailableunavailableavailable
Predesigned templatesunavailableunavailableavailable
Connect your domainunavailableunavailableavailable
Buy a domainunavailableunavailableavailable
Number of active websitesunavailableunavailable5
Number of subpagesunavailableunavailableUnlimited
SSL securityunavailableunavailableavailable
Contact formsunavailableunavailableavailable
Signup formsunavailableunavailableavailable
Custom codeunavailableunavailableavailable
Membership areaunavailableunavailableavailable
Remove GetResponse brandingunavailableunavailableavailable
Google Analyticsunavailableunavailableavailable
Facebook Pixelunavailableunavailableavailable
SEO settingsunavailableunavailableavailable
Landing pages
Landing pagesUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
AI creator3 usesUnlimitedUnlimited
Connect your domainavailableavailableavailable
Pages and visitorsUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Predesigned templatesavailableavailableavailable
Signup formsavailableavailableavailable
Contact formsunavailableavailableavailable
Countdown timeravailableavailableavailable
Google Analyticsavailableavailableavailable
Facebook Pixelavailableavailableavailable
SEO settingsavailableavailableavailable
Product boxunavailableavailableavailable
Store settingsunavailableavailableavailable
Ecommerce tools
Stores and products centerunavailableavailableavailable
Payment gateway integrationunavailableavailableavailable
E-product deliveryunavailableavailableavailable
Product boxunavailableavailableavailable
Abandoned order recoveryunavailableavailableavailable
Order confirmation automationunavailableavailableavailable
Promo codes: manual masterunavailableavailableavailable
Promo codes: uniqueunavailableavailableavailable
Promo codes: syncedunavailableavailableavailable
Mobile push notificationsunavailableunavailableunavailable
Store settingsunavailableavailableavailable
Revenue tracking unavailableavailableavailable
Transactional emails
Triggered emailsunavailableunavailableunavailable
Sending history unavailableunavailableunavailable
Performance analytics unavailableunavailableunavailable
SMTP connectionunavailableunavailableunavailable
Forms and popups
Active popups limitUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Popup display rulesavailableavailableavailable
Views limitavailableavailableavailable
Embedded bannersavailableavailableavailable
Signup formsavailableavailableavailable
Contact formsunavailableavailableavailable
Promo codesavailableavailableavailable
Live webinarsunavailableunavailableavailable
Number of attendeesunavailableunavailable100
On-demand webinarsunavailableunavailableavailable
Paid webinarsunavailableunavailableavailable
Webinar funnelsunavailableunavailableavailable
Recording storageunavailableunavailable3h
Number of presentersunavailableunavailable3
HD webinarsunavailableunavailableavailable
Breakout room optionunavailableunavailableunavailable
Web push notifications
Web push notificationunavailableUnlimitedUnlimited
Custom opt-in promptunavailableavailableavailable
Web push automationunavailableUnlimitedUnlimited
GetResponse Chats
Number of seatsunavailable55
Chats on GetResponse pagesunavailableavailableavailable
Embed Chats on external websiteunavailableavailableavailable
GetResponse Chats mobile appunavailableavailableavailable
Automated welcome messageunavailableavailableavailable
Quick repliesunavailableavailableavailable
Chat availability optionsunavailableavailableavailable
Reply via emailunavailableavailableavailable
Email notifications about chatsunavailableavailableavailable
Email capture formsunavailableavailableavailable
Remove GetResponse brandingunavailableavailableavailable
Conversion funnels
Lead funnelsunavailableavailableavailable
Lead magnet funnelsunavailableavailableavailable
Sales funnelsunavailableavailableavailable
Webinar funnelsunavailableunavailableavailable
Paid ads
Google Adsunavailableavailableavailable
Facebook Adsunavailableavailableavailable
Lead formsunavailableavailableavailable
SMS marketing
5000 free SMSunavailableunavailableunavailable
SMS marketing automationunavailableunavailableunavailable
SMS bulk campaigns unavailableunavailableunavailable
Consent management unavailableunavailableunavailable
Link shortenerunavailableunavailableunavailable
Export reportsavailableavailableavailable
Google Analyticsavailableavailableavailable
Newsletter revenue statisticsunavailableavailableavailable
Custom reportsunavailableavailableavailable
FTP reportsunavailableunavailableunavailable
Ecommerce reportsunavailableavailableavailable
Recommendations reportsunavailableavailableavailable
Facebook Pixelavailableavailableavailable
Google Analyticsavailableavailableavailable
X / Twitteravailableavailableavailable
Microsoft Dynamics 365unavailableunavailableunavailable
Mobile apps
GetResponse Appavailableavailableavailable

Cut 60% of your tool costs with one platform

What if you were to have all the tools to grow as you go in one place?
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streamlining your work, growth, and income.

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  • RedBull
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the most and upgrade when you're ready.

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Drive membership, increase donations and raise awareness using GetResponse marketing tools.
Get 50% off every monthly plan and get your mission across with less impact on your budget.

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Frequently asked questions

How long are your contracts?

GetResponse offers you two billing periods: monthly or 12 months. We also offer a 30-day Free trial account. For the first 30 days of using it, you will have trial access to the premium features of our platform. You can upgrade your Free account to a paid one at any time. Please note that after the first 30 days, you lose access to the premium features.

With the Enterprise plan, you can choose between three billing periods: monthly, 12 months and 24 months.

What features can I try during the 30-day trial?

On the first 30 days of using your Free account, we give you access to the premium features of GetResponse. There are some limitations on the Free account regarding webinars, messages, landing pages, marketing automation, and chats.

  • AI course creator: You can create an unlimited number of courses for up to 250 students but selling them is available in the paid plan only.
  • Premium newsletters: You can create an unlimited number of premium newsletters with free subscription but paid subscriptions are available in the paid plan only.
  • Webinars: Recordings and on-demand webinars, limited to 10 people (including you and presenters).
  • Messages: The GetResponse badge will be added to every message you send from the Free account. Disabling the badge is possible if you upgrade to a paid account.
  • Landing pages: You can create and publish as many landing pages as you want, but the visits are limited to 1,000 unique visitors per month. Unlimited visits and tools like AB testing are available in paid plans only.
  • Marketing automation: You can create and publish as many workflows as you want. Dynamic segment filter is not available. You can unlock it with any paid plan.
  • Contacting Customer Success Team: You have unlimited access to our assistance through 24/7 live chat in English. You can also contact us via email in one of our support languages: English, Polish, Russian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French, or Italian.

If you are interested in the Enterprise plan, you can take advantage of the Pilot Program, which allows you to test the Enterprise tools for 30 days. To take advantage of the Pilot Program, simply book a demo to discuss the details with our expert, who will provide you with access to the platform. The Pilot Program is an advanced form of testing our tools. You will also receive support from our experts - we want customers to experience what it's like to work with the GetResponse team.

What we offer:

  • 30-day access to the platform and its features
  • Dedicated support
  • Ideas for your marketing automation strategy
What happens after the 30-day trial period?

You will lose access to premium features if you don’t upgrade. You’ll still be able to log in to your account and use the free version of GetResponse. Read this article to see what limitations your account will have if you don’t upgrade after the first 30 days from the moment you set up your free account.

How can I buy GetResponse?

You can purchase one of the available plans directly from this page and, in the case of the Enterprise plan, book a free demo. Once you verify your account, you can test all the features free of charge for 30 days. To upgrade your free account to one of the paid plans, follow these simple steps:

  • Log in to your account. In the Profile menu, click Upgrade account.
  • Choose the plan from Starter, Marketer, and Creator and select the package (list size).
  • Enter your account details and payment information.
  • Choose your subscription plan: standard plan billed monthly (every month) or 12-month prepay with 18% discount.
  • Click the Upgrade Account button.

If you are interested in the Enterprise plan, click on the 'Book a demo' button. Our expert will contact you to discuss your business, challenges, goals, and expectations and create a proposal tailored to your business needs.

Which pricing plan should I choose?

There are three standard plans, each of them with its own add-on availability and included features. All plans include options for the list sizes: 1k, 2.5k, 5k, 10k, 25k, 50k, and 100k.

An Enterprise Plan with advanced solutions and a personalized quote is also available. It includes all the tools and features of the above plans plus SMS marketing, AI product recommendations, and mobile push notifications.

Starter – Enables a powerful start into list building and AI-powered email marketing. Every account created within this package allows for 3 users, provides access to ecommerce integrations, and includes 1 automation workflow. AI tools are limited to 3 uses.

Marketer – Set of powerful tools to accelerate growth through automated marketing communication and e-commerce features. This package gives you unlimited access to marketing automation and ecommerce tools, as well as unlimited landing pages. Up to 5 users can collaborate within the account under this package.

Creator – a plan bringing together tools to create, market, and monetize online content and merchandise. This package combines all our premium features such as courses, paid newsletters, automation, ecommerce tools, and webinars for up to 100 attendees. Multi-user access is also included for up to 5 users.

Enterprise — with this plan, you can choose advanced solutions to help you increase conversion, ROI, and revenue from your marketing activities.

The plan includes email and SMS marketing tools, advanced marketing automation options, e-commerce tools, webinars, web and mobile push notifications, and lead generation tools (the same as the other packages above).

Dedicated support is also available as part of the Enterprise plan. We also offer Professional Services. This is a paid service where our experts take over some of the work on the platform, significantly speeding up the creation of campaigns.

Can I modify my subscription plan?

Yes, you can upgrade the list size limitation, change the billing period, or upgrade to a higher package.

You can upgrade your plan at any time by going to Billing > Upgrade account. An upgrade takes place immediately, and your billing cycle always starts anew.

Downgrades can only be performed by the Support Team as per your request. To have your account downgraded to a lower plan or from annual payments to monthly payments, please create a support ticket via our contact form or contact us via LiveChat.

If you are interested in upgrading to the Enterprise Plan, you can request a demo using this form:

What is the Enterprise package?

This option is for companies that have large contact lists and need personalized solutions to achieve business goals such as increasing conversion, ROI, and revenue from marketing activities.

The Enterprise Plan includes email and SMS marketing tools, advanced marketing automation options, e-commerce tools, webinars, web and mobile push notifications, and lead generation tools (forms, pop-ups, landing page builders).

The Enterprise Plan includes support from our Customer Support team and (depending on the package): a dedicated Customer Experience Manager. We also offer Professional Services. This is a paid service where our experts take over some of the work on the platform, significantly speeding up the creation of campaigns.

If you choose the Enterprise plan, you have flexible sending options. Our expert will recommend whether you should choose a shared or dedicated IP address.

How do GetResponse payments work? Can I upgrade or downgrade my subscription?
GetResponse offers 2 billing periods: monthly, and 12-month. The Enterprise plan, on the other hand, offers more options in terms of billing frequency to suit your individual needs.

Monthly payment plans are bracketed by list size, starting at $19 per month for unlimited messages to 1,000 subscribers. With our discounts, you can get 18% off a 12-month plan.

GetResponse payments are automatic, recurring, and in advance, which means you'll be charged according to your billing period: every month or every year. If you pick the annual subscription, you pay the full amount in advance.

You can upgrade your plan anytime: go to Profile and click the Upgrade account button.

To downgrade or change your billing period from annual to monthly, contact our Customer Success Team via LiveChat.
Is the Enterprise package the right solution for me?

You should consider the Enterprise account when you:

  • You are looking for personalized solutions tailored to your business needs.
  • You have large contact lists, high-volume mailings and are looking for a comprehensive email marketing and marketing automation platform.
  • You want to increase conversion, ROI, and revenue from your marketing activities.
  • You need robust ecommerce tools.
  • You want access to all GetResponse features.
  • You want expert, dedicated customer service to help you with technical and marketing issues.

If you want to learn more about Enterprise, please book a demo. Our expert will demonstrate the product features and answer your questions. They will also look for customized solutions for you and set you up with the right pricing.

How is Enterprise different from the standard offer?

With GetResponse Enterprise, you get all the features available in Starter, Marketer, and Creator plans. Additionally, when you choose the GetResponse Enterprise account:

  • You can have the support of a dedicated Customer Experience Manager (depending on the package) to help you optimize your campaigns. The CEM is your single point of contact, dedicated to meeting your business goals and challenges.
  • You can use Professional Services - as part of this service, you can outsource work on the platform to our experts, who will help you increase the potential and reach of your activities and speed up work on campaigns. Our experts have solid marketing, strategic, and technical experience. This is an additional paid service.
  • You can arrange product training, advice on account configuration, campaigns and improving deliverability, and meetings to discuss campaign reports.
  • This plan also includes premium tools not available in the standard plans. These include SMS marketing, transactional email, professional services... and much more!

Not ready to purchase a plan?

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free 30-day premium access

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